The GRINDcast – Everyone Loves an Underdog

Everyone loves an underdog until they become the overdog. It’s easy to root for an underdog, but it takes a winner’s mindset to stay rooting for them once they start to dominate. Everyone loves an underdog until they become the overdog. It’s easy to root for an underdog, but it takes a winner’s mindset to stay rooting for them once they start to dominate.

Childlike Faith – Walking In Power with Nate Ortiz

Welcome to Walking in Power with Nate Ortiz. Walking in Power is our bi-monthly installment on The GRINDcast aimed at helping people on their spiritual journey. Nate Ortiz has been a Christian Youth Minister for years. As part of Arias Agencies mission to “To develop people within this agency mentally, physically, spiritually & financially…” we added Nate to the Arias Agencies family as a Spiritual Coach for anyone in the agency looking to strengthen their relationship with God.

The GRINDcast – Lift As You Climb

True success isn’t about standing alone at the top of a mountain, it’s about reaching back and lifting others up with you.

The GRINDcast – The Decision by Kevin Hart

Making good decisions is crucial to your success in life. This week we’re breaking down some of the big takeaways from Kevin Hart’s new audio book, “The Decision.”

Discipline – Walking In Power with Nate Ortiz

Welcome to Walking in Power with Nate Ortiz. Walking in Power is our bi-monthly installment on The GRINDcast aimed at helping people on their spiritual journey. Nate Ortiz has been a Christian Youth Minister for years. As part of Arias Agencies mission to “To develop people within this agency mentally, physically, spiritually & financially…” we added Nate to the Arias Agencies family as a Spiritual Coach for anyone in the agency looking to strengthen their relationship with God.