The GRINDcast – Your Obstacles, Hardships, & Failures

Your obstacles, hardships, and failures are what qualify you to help others. Often times, the best mentors and coaches in the world are leading others through a path that they’ve already been through. They know the obstacles and set backs ahead, along with how to either avoid them or overcome them.

The GRINDcast – Patience In The Process

You have to have Patience in the Process on your way to the Prize! With social media, we live in a world that promotes instant gratification and tricks people into thinking they can be an “overnight success.” The only way to guarantee success is consistent daily disciplines that compound over time.

The GRINDcast – Special Guest, Joey Crivelli

This week we have on my dog, Joey Crivelli. At 24 years old and only 15 months in our business, Joey has already become one of our top Regional Directors at Arias. This stud is one of the most coachable peolple I’ve had the privilege to work with.

The Responsibility of Leadership – Walking In Power with Nate Ortiz

Welcome to Walking in Power with Nate Ortiz. Walking in Power is our bi-monthly installment on The GRINDcast aimed at helping people on their spiritual journey. Nate Ortiz has been a Christian Youth Minister for years. As part of Arias Agencies mission to “To develop people within this agency mentally, physically, spiritually & financially…” we added Nate to the Arias Agencies family as a Spiritual Coach for anyone in the agency looking to strengthen their relationship with God.

The GRINDcast – Winning Attitude

In order to achieve your full potential, you’re gonna need a winning attitude. In baseball, nobody has ever rounded the bases by keeping their foot on first base.