The GRINDcast – What Are You Aiming For?

Are you aiming to be good, or are you aiming to be great? Good is the enemy of greatness because most people settle once they do good. While you definitely need to appreciate where you’re at now, you can’t allow yourself not to strive for greatness.

The GRINDcast – Happiness Is An Inside Job

Happiness is an inside job! No person, place, or thing can bring you true happiness. It’s something you have to create with a positive mindset and an attitude of gratitude.

Walking In Wisdom – Walking In Power with Nate Ortiz

Welcome to Walking in Power with Nate Ortiz. Walking in Power is our bi-monthly installment on The GRINDcast aimed at helping people on their spiritual journey. Nate Ortiz has been a Christian Youth Minister for years. As part of Arias Agencies mission to “To develop people within this agency mentally, physically, spiritually & financially…” we added Nate to the Arias Agencies family as a Spiritual Coach for anyone in the agency looking to strengthen their relationship with God.

The GRINDcast – Don’t Be Soft

Don’t be soft! You can’t allow yourself to make excuses. Mental toughness is the key to achieving your goals in life.

The GRINDcast – Special Guest, Ryan Shazier

My friend and business partner, former superstar Linebacker for The Pittsburgh Steelers & The Ohio State Buckeyes, Ryan Shazier is joining us on the GRINDcast to talk about life after the NFL. After recovering from his notorius injury & learning to walk again, Ryan has been hard at work as author of the book, “Walking Miracle,” founder of The Ryan Shazier Fund for Spinal Rehabilitation, Owner of Shay Trucking, and most recently a partner of mine in the financial services industry, starting Shazier Agency. Follow @Shazier @Shazier.Agency @ShayTruckingLLC & @RyanShazierFund