The GRINDcast – Celina Pompeani

We’ve got a very special guest this week on the GRINDcast, local Emmy Award winning TV personality, Celina Pompeani Mathison! If you’re from Western PA or you’re a fan of the Pittsburgh Penguins, she needs zero introduction. Follow Celina on social media and subscribe to her podcast, “From The Top with Celina Pompeani” @Celina_Pompeani on Instagram & TikTok @CelinaPompeani on Twitter

The GRINDcast – Pressure Is A Privilege

Pressure is a privilege! The way that you digest the pressure that you’re faced with makes a huge difference. If you can’t handle the pressure you’re facing now, how will you handle the pressures of the next level? The problems at the next level don’t get any easier, the difference is that you get stronger during the process!

The GRINDcast – Same Goal Different Habits

The habits you form will either make you or break you. Anybody can set a goal and most people can work towards that goal when everything is going well and they “feel like it.” But what happens when life punches you in the face? This is where having habits of discipline starts to separate people!

The GRINDcast – Called Towards Greatness

If you follow me on IG, you’ve seen my stories. During my morning Mind, Body, Spirit, I often post snapshots of what I’m reading. This week on the GRINDcast I’m unloading some of my morning notes starting with if you’re pulled towards greatness. Check it out!

The GRINDcast – Social Media Q&A

I get a lot of messages through social media. Recently, someone asked about how to encourgage a business partner to develop personally & someone else reached out asking if old habits pop up despite new levels of discipline. I figured these were both topics that were worth diving into on The GRINDcast, check it out!