Following Instructions- Walking In Power with Nate Ortiz

Welcome to Walking in Power with Nate Ortiz. Walking in Power is our bi-monthly installment on The GRINDcast aimed at helping people on their spiritual journey. Nate Ortiz has been a Christian Youth Minister for years. As part of Arias Organization’s mission to “To develop people within this agency mentally, physically, spiritually & financially…” we added Nate to the Arias Agencies family as a Spiritual Coach for anyone in the agency looking to strengthen their relationship with God.

James 4:2 – Walking In Power with Nate Ortiz

Welcome to Walking in Power with Nate Ortiz. Walking in Power is our bi-monthly installment on The GRINDcast aimed at helping people on their spiritual journey. Nate Ortiz has been a Christian Youth Minister for years. As part of Arias Organization’s mission to “To develop people within this agency mentally, physically, spiritually & financially…” we added Nate to the Arias Agencies family as a Spiritual Coach for anyone in the agency looking to strengthen their relationship with God.

The GRINDcast – It’s Supposed To Be Hard

The way you know you’re on the right path is that it’s difficult! We all know the saying, “If it was easy, everybody would be doing it.” Expect and embrace the challenges.

The GRINDcast – My Plan B is Plan A

If you wanna go to the next level, you can’t have a Plan B. You can’t be great in your business if you’re juggling side-husltes, just like you can’t be a great spouse if you’re always flirting with your other options. If you want to be great at something you have to go all in!

You Reproduce Who You Are – Walking In Power with Nate Ortiz

Welcome to Walking in Power with Nate Ortiz. Walking in Power is our bi-monthly installment on The GRINDcast aimed at helping people on their spiritual journey. Nate Ortiz has been a Christian Youth Minister for years. As part of Arias Organization’s mission to “To develop people within this agency mentally, physically, spiritually & financially…” we added Nate to the Arias Agencies family as a Spiritual Coach for anyone in the agency looking to strengthen their relationship with God.