The GRINDcast – 212°

I see people get frustrated in their careers because they’re putting in the work & it seems like nothing is happening yet. Really, they’re just heating up & approaching that boiling point. Water boils at 212° so when you think of throwing in the towel, realize you may be at 210° or 211° … keep…

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The GRINDcast – We’ll Get It Next Week

Urgency creates momentum & in the words of John Maxwell, “Momentum will solve 80% of your problems.” Realize that a “We’ll get it next week” attitude fosters a losing mentality. Get after it today!

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The GRINDcast – Pay Your Taxes

We’ve all heard it, two things are certain, death and taxes. The adversities, setbacks, and bad days in life are just as much of a guarantee. How do you handle paying those “taxes?”

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The GRINDcast – Holding Others Accountable

Someone recently DM’d me asking how to hold others accountable without being controlling. In the same way that people get an accountability partner for the gym, your job as a leader is to shine a light on what their goals are and what actions they did or didn’t take towards acheiving them.

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The GRINDcast – The Anxiety of Growth

You’ve heard me say it a million times, the process involves setbacks. For a lot of people that can lead to anxiety. Building resilience and focusing on things & people outside of yourself is what kills that anxiety!

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The GRINDcast – Is Consistency Stopping You?

Are you allowing a lack of consistency to be what holds you back? Anyone can be good for one play or one game, but what separates hall of famers from the rest is consistency & discipline.

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